ValueLink + AppraisalPort
ValueLink is fully integrated with AppraisalPort. The integration allows AppraisalPort users to place appraisal orders with ValueLink AMCs without leaving the platform.

ValueLink is fully integrated with AppraisalPort. The integration allows AppraisalPort users to place appraisal orders with ValueLink AMCs without leaving the platform.
The integration simplifies the appraisal ordering process for the users as they do not have to log in to another platform to manage and track their appraisal orders.
Automating the appraisal ordering process eliminates the possibility of any manual data entry errors as the fields are automatically populated from the loan file.
The integration results in higher productivity as it saves time for the ordering party through automation, and synchronization of order statuses and comments. Appraisal reports and supporting documents like invoices and SSRs are delivered directly to AppraisalPort when the order is completed.
This integration is available to all ValueLink users. If you would like to know more about the Appraisal Port integration and the ValueLink Appraisal Management System , contact our sales team on 888-587-0805 x.1