
ValueLink Partners with AnnieMac

AnnieMac Partners with ValueLink
to Streamline Loan Processing

Key Contributors in the Partnership 

valuelink icon
Aqil Ahmed

SVP Operations

AnnieMac icon
Wes Costello

SVP Quality Management and Collateral Risk 

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Kevin Saliba

Customer Success Manager

AnnieMac icon
Matt Carelli

Appraisal Administration Manager 

Reduction in Manual Errors
0 %
Faster Loan Processing
0 %
Boost in Customer Satisfaction
0 %

ValueLink's solutions have been instrumental
in transforming our loan processing operations.
We've seen a remarkable improvement in
efficiency, accuracy, and most importantly,
the satisfaction of our clients.


Renowned for its unwavering commitment to customer service, AnnieMac Home Mortgage stands as a leading force in the mortgage industry, offering diverse loan options to homebuyers nationwide.

Beyond being an approved seller/servicer with major lenders, AnnieMac takes control of the entire loan process – from processing to underwriting. This in-house approach keeps things moving smoothly for their clients, ensuring fast turnaround times and personalized support every step of the way.

However, despite their dedication to excellence, AnnieMac recognized the need to further enhance their loan processing efficiency, a crucial factor in today’s fast-paced real estate market. Partnering with ValueLink Software, a pioneer in mortgage automation solutions, AnnieMac embarked on a journey to streamline their processes and elevate the homebuying experience for their clients. 

The Challenges 

Delays, errors, and limited communication – these were the hallmarks of AnnieMac’s manual loan processing system.  While recognized as a leader in the industry, they faced several challenges that hindered their ability to deliver a seamless homebuying experience.

  • Errors multiplied: The manual nature of the process led to frequent mistakes, causing delays and increasing costs.
  • Visibility vanished: Like navigating a maze blindfolded, AnnieMac struggled with clear oversight of the loan processing lifecycle, making it difficult to identify and address potential issues promptly.
  • Customers grew impatient: Extended processing times and inadequate communication left clients feeling frustrated and dissatisfied. The need for a more streamlined and transparent approach became undeniable.  

These challenges presented a turning point for AnnieMac, prompting them to seek a solution that led to their fruitful partnership with ValueLink Software.

ValueLink's Tailored Solutions 

ValueLink didn’t just offer AnnieMac a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we partnered with them to develop a multi-pronged approach that addressed their specific challenges. Let’s delve into the key areas tackled:

Automated & Customized Workflows

From automatically accepting orders and populating fees to delivering reports faster and preventing accidental submissions, ValueLink enhanced workflows and ultimately improved the loan processing experience for both AnnieMac and its clients.

Moreover, keeping in mind the need of tailored workflows and understanding the unique needs of specific loan types, such as VA orders, we also developed customized workflows to ensure efficiency and compliance.

Enhanced Communication

Seamless communication was key. ValueLink configured the system to automatically update AnnieMac’s point of contact after appraiser acceptance, eliminating any delays in communication and ensuring everyone was on the same page. 

Smarter Appraiser Selection

ValueLink implemented an intelligent scoring system that considered various factors, like past performance, and a weighted scoring system to automatically match AnnieMac with suitable appraisers.  

Moreover, for optimal selection even when appraisers share similar scores, a tie-breaker sorting mechanism enabled a fair selection process. 

Optimized Payment Management

To ensure transparent and streamlined appraiser compensation, ValueLink also enhanced ACH payment visibility and controls. This approach simplified AnnieMac’s processes and facilitated timely payments for everyone involved. 

Throughout the journey, continuous collaboration between ValueLink and AnnieMac was paramount. The approach allowed them to adapt and refine processes to meet evolving needs and ensure ongoing client satisfaction. 

Ready to Unlock Similar Success? Get Started with Valuelink Today! 

These impressive results of ValueLink and AnnieMac’s partnership are a testament to the power of collaboration and innovative solutions. AnnieMac not only streamlined their operations but also elevated the homebuying experience for their clients – a win-win for everyone involved. 

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